As a cigar review writer and a film maker, it was a natural enough request when I asked my then girlfriend to be cameraman for a "cigar video." Little did she know, I was actually about to drop a knee, and drop the big question.
Brand: ??? Shape: Robusto (6 x 50) Tobacco Origin:
Wrapper: Maduro Body: Full
We do not know what brand this cigar is, but it was delicious. If you know what it is, please advise, we will credit you! Thank you for the participation.
Picture this: You've found a great deal at your favorite cigar retailer, and now you're making final checks on reviews to see if this cigar is actually worth the 5 dollars a stick you'll be paying. This site is completely unaffiliated and unconnected to other companies and cigar sites. This is the cold, hard, objective take on a subjective truth. This is The Classy Cigar.